Eight gifts push Basket Fund to $2,106


Donations to this year’s Christmas Basket Fund grew to $2,106 with eight new gifts totaling $365.

The fund, sponsored by American Legion Post 89 in partnership with The Tribune, Jay C Food Stores and JCB, will supply $50 Jay C gift cards to residents in need throughout the county.

New donations include: In loving memory of Robert, Reneua and D.R. Riordan $100, from the Riordans; In memory of loved ones $25, from Marvin and Linda Rumph; In memory of Marilyn Maschino, Tony Maschino, Florence Wilson and Tom McClara $30, from Jennola McClara; In memory of Francis and Andy Elsner, from Gloria and Charlie Elsner $50; In loving memory of Rudalph Van Essen and son, Scott Van Essen, $10, from wife, Jean, and son, Keith Van Essen; In memory of Sue Warinner, Ambrose and Ruth Elsner, $50, anonymous; In memory of Roy, Lillie, and Bob Runge $50, anonymous; and Merry Christmas to all our friends and relatives $50, from Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fenneberg.

Donations can be left at The Tribune’s front desk, any JCB branch or American Legion Post 89. Donors can contribute anonymously and can dedicate donations to others.

Those seeking assistance from the fund must write a letter stating their need to American Legion Post 89 at P.O. Box 566, Seymour, IN 47274.

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