Kappa Kappa Kappa conducts annual pledge breakfast


Gamma Phi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa’s annual pledge breakfast was March 7 at First United Methodist Church in Seymour.

The committee of Kim Cain, Heather Reedy, Chris O’Brien and April Burnside served breakfast.

The chapter welcomed 2015-16 pledges with a pledge ceremony and introductions by their sponsors. Pledges will be initiated and announced at the June 2 meeting.

President LaWanda Tidd called the business meeting to order, and reports were given by the officers and committee chairs.

Tri Kappa Week committee chair Glenda Proffer reported baskets of Hershey Hugs were delivered to various groups as a thank-you for their contribution to culture, charity and education in the community.

Spring project committee member Meredith Henry asked all members to sign up to work two shifts during Tri Kappa’s annual Twice is Nice Kids Consignment Sale on April 18 at Girls Inc. of Jackson County, 956 N. O’Brien St., Seymour.

Meredith also announced that questions about the sale can be directed to Mindy Roeder at [email protected], and consignors may register online at myconsignmentmanager.com/twiceisnicekids. Rotert also asked all members who are on Facebook to please “like” the sale Facebook page and share the link on their timelines.

Members with March birthdays, Amy Boger, Andi Bukowski, Meredith Henry, Mary Elisabeth Keller, Cathy Klaes, Mindy Roeder, Courtney Hillian, Heidi Leinart and Suzi Stuckwisch, were recognized.

The next meeting will be at 6:30 pm. April 7 at the home of Bridget Longmeier. There will be a “just for fun” activity after the meeting.

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