Ladies Aid will not meet in July, August


St. Peter’s Ladies Aid met at 1:30 p.m. June 4 in the meeting room at the Brownstown church.

The meeting opened with the group singing “Come, Thou Almighty King.”

Kathy Cunningham gave devotions by reading from Psalm 137 “Whole and Holy Love.”

Nine members answered roll call.

The secretary and treasurer reports were read and approved. Dorothy Christopher reported on visits to sick and shut-in and also nursing homes.

Cunningham gave a report about flowers for the altar, and Joyce Stuckwisch reported on spices sold.

St. Peter’s Lutheran Church is in charge of the Brownstown Food Pantry in September. Opening times are from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesdays and from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursdays.

There will be no business meeting in July and August. In July, Helen Kellermeier will visit sick and shut-in, and Stuckwisch will visit the nursing homes. August visitation will be by Cunningham.

The meeting closed with The Lord’s Prayer.

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