Peacock Reunion Held August 14


The 89th Peacock reunion was Aug. 14 at Jennings Township Conservation Club, with 140 people in attendance.

The Rev. Curtis Peacock gave the invocation at noon.

President Roscoe Peacock called the reunion to order.

Eunice Lacey read a poem in memory of Timothy W. Gunter called “A Treasured Gift,” by Lee Gray. Gunter was the son of Clara and Harold Gunter.

Election of officers for 2017 was conducted. They are Terry Peacock, president; Roscoe Peacock, vice president; Lacey, secretary and treasurer; Mike Payne, Bob Peacock and Everett Peacock, refreshment committee; and Angie Jones, Lisa Conner and Billy Snowden, program committee.

The program committee gave gifts to Curtis Peacock, oldest man present; Sue Payne, oldest woman present; Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Peacock, most children present (nine); Mr. and Mrs. Steve Peacock, traveling longest distance; Angie Jones, celebrating her birthday; and Quinn, son of Andrea Manias, babies younger than one year of age.

Everett Peacock gave away several pins, rings, necklaces and other peacock items to everyone.

The children spent the rest of the day playing on the playground, and some of the older ones played horseshoes, took pictures and looked at pictures.

Next year’s reunion will be Aug. 13 at the same location.

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