St.Peter’s Ladies Aid meets Feb. 2


The St. Peter’s Ladies Aid met Feb. 2 in the church meeting room of the Brownstown church.

The meeting opened with the group singing the hymn “Now Thank We All Our God.”

For devotions, Kathy Cunningham gave a reading entitled “Know What’s Coming.” Roll call was answered by 10 members and a guest.

The secretary read the minutes of the December meeting, which were approved. There was no meeting in January because of the weather.

The treasurer’s report was read and approved.

Cunningham read a thank-you note for the birthday party that was held in her honor.

A printed copy of the committees for 2017 was distributed. A discussion was conducted on how to get more people involved in serving dinners, visitation and other activities. Volunteers are being sought.

Cunningham and Bertie Roettger will send valentines to members in nursing homes and other shut-ins, and Roetteger and Janet Myers will handle February’s visitations.

Ileen Nehrt was thanked for being the hostess for the meeting, which closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

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