Friends and Neighbors Extension Homemakers Club


The Friends and Neighbors Extension Homemakers Club of Jackson County met April 18 at Cornerstone Community Church in Seymour.

Thirteen members answered roll call by sharing their favorite spring flower. Shirley Sears led the group in singing “April Showers.”

Continuing education leader Louise Cox gave an informational program on autism. She pointed out the rise in the number of cases from five in 10,000 cases many years ago to 60 in 10,000 cases in 1990. Present-day numbers are around 1 in 68. Also, the rate is much higher in boys than in girls. Grandparents recognize the symptoms of autism quicker than parents.

Leadership development leader Martha McIntire reported on Tom Brokaw’s book on World War II. During this period, parents were working-class individuals that struggled with many hardships during the depression years and then went straight into the war. The current generation has a much easier life and needs to remember to be thankful.

Charlotte Lovegrove made a motion to give $20 for the 4-H awards program. Rhonda Kidwell seconded the motion, and it was approved.

President Ruby Niccum read a notice about the upcoming Day of Caring and also of a workshop given by Schneck Medical Center on Alzheimer’s disease.

The group then worked on name tags for the achievement night, which is May 4 at Camp Pyoca.

A brown sack lunch was prepared by Helen Lutes and Niccum.

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