Follow God’s guidelines, live free of sexual sin


By Steve Greene

The secular media has done an outstanding job of desensitizing human beings to issues of morality.

That’s exactly why we need an anchor, and that is why we have explored this topic over the past few weeks. We need to know the truth, according to God’s Word.

It is wise to consider the consequences of sexual sin. It is good to be reminded of the devastation, the heartache, the heartbreak and the destruction that is caused by sexual sin.

Proverbs 6:32 says, “A man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys himself.” It is fair to say that sexual sin leaves permanent scars.

As a pastor of more than 30 years, I can’t tell you how much regret I have seen in regard to sexual sin. I know of nothing else that can damage relationships and emotions like sexual sin.

The Proverb writer said, “Adultery will cost a man all that he has.” Remember Esau? He was so hungry that he sold his birthright, his inheritance, for a bowl of stew. I have known people today who have given up a wonderful life all for a few moments of sexual pleasure. It’s not worth it.

One of these days, we will all give an account to God for how we handled the incredible gift of sexuality. If you have committed sexual sin, all hope is not lost. You can be forgiven.

God is prepared to forgive us of our sin when we repent. To repent means we are not only sorry for our sin but we are sorry enough to change.

Please don’t look the other way and pretend that sexual sin is acceptable to our holy God. Immorality destroys marriages, damages families and ruins lives. It damages self-esteem. It creates misery and guilt, shame and regret, depression, sexually transmitted infections and sexually transmitted disease.

God has established some very specific and very clear guidelines for how we are to handle the incredible gift of sexuality. He provides these rules for our benefit.

When we decide not to play by the rules, there is a price to pay. The alternative is to listen to what he has said and reap the eternal rewards of obedience.

You can repent of sexual sin. God will provide the strength you need to turn away from temptation. He will enable you to forgive those who have sinned against you. He can help you to forgive yourself and enable you to live the life he has called you to live. There is no better alternative.

You may read Steve Greene’s blog at or you can email him at [email protected].

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