Thumbs-Up, Thumbs-Down – June 29


Helping hands

Thumbs-up to the organizers, volunteers and the nearly 250 automobile enthusiasts who helped make the 14th annual Cars and Guitars car show and concert Saturday a success. Over the years, the event — conducted in downtown Seymour in June — has become one of the largest in the city. It also has raised more than $90,000 for the purchase of playground equipment for special needs children at parks in Seymour.

Search for solutions

Thumbs-up to The Tribune. We are so pleased with The Tribune for publishing columns by Michael Hicks and Lee Hamilton. They are realistic, intelligent and informative. So much of what we read or hear on TV is just stupid and is meant to deliberately create a larger divide, which it seems to be doing. I am so proud of Todd Young and his intelligent approach to serious situations. I hope to see him receive more credit for his efforts. The political attacks on our senatorial candidates only creates distrust and confusion about the real issues. If only they would try to find realistic solutions, which would naturally require some compromises, I would be very pleased. Thanks again, Mr. Woods, and The Tribune.

Helen Swain, Seymour

Passing it along

Thumbs-up to Theta Zeta chapter of Delta Theta Tau for recently donating $1,500 to the Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 655 in Seymour. The Eagles will be paying that amount forward to their 2018 charity of choice, Riley Trauma LifeLine.

High flying

Thumbs-up to the pilots who offered an affordable option for families and participants to experience flying in small airplanes Saturday during Freeman Army Airfield Museum’s annual Airplane Ride Day at Freeman Municipal Airport in Seymour. The pilots donate their time and the wear and tear on their planes to raise funds for the museum.

Making it happen

Thumbs-up to the Fraternal Order of Police Donald M. Winn Lodge 108 in Seymour for paying the admission fee for 16 kids at the Boys & Girls Club of Seymour to attend a recent field trip at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. It was a $400 donation to help kids who may not have otherwise been able to attend the trip.

The tough get going

Thumbs-up to the Columbus City Band for performing its annual patriotic concert Sunday at Heritage Park in Brownstown. But thumbs-down to the person or people who stole the trailer the band uses to haul the larger instruments and other equipment the band needs to perform. Fortunately, the band was able to borrow enough trucks and another trailer to pull off the performance on time.

No littering

Thumbs-down to whoever keeps throwing their used scratch-off lottery tickets out their windows along county roads 974E and 400N. This has been going on for years. Take your trash with you.

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