Letter: Thank God black lives matter in the United States


Thank God black lives matter. Thank God black lives matter in the United States.

Thank God we have a mainstream American culture that is not just tolerating a multi-racial society but is accepting it and thriving in it; hence, the increasing blending of races in our country is to be honored, promoted and preached: from many, one: e pluribus unum.

Thank God immigrants the world over have recognized America’s racial tolerance and opportunities for prosperity by “voting” with their feet and seeking entrance to this good country, the least racist nation in our world. Thank God today America welcomes more immigrants than any other nation on Earth. These good immigrant folk know they can enter this nation and are proud that they can become Americans. We, as a nation, are, too.

Thank God for those who have come forward locally, and peacefully, to rally and say that black lives matter. And having vigorously asserted this principle these good folk are implying a corollary principle: any moral policy or need that promotes the well-being of our black citizens must be supported. If you query inner-city black law-abiding citizens what their central need is, safety is number one. Why? Because black lives matter! Query them further as to what factor provides that safety and they will tell you, having more police presence. More police, better policing, yields an increased feeling of safety for law-abiding inner city citizens. Black lives matter!

But, wait. Aren’t police supposed to be a danger to the black community? Aren’t black citizens literally risking their lives whenever they leave their homes due to police targeting?

Race activists tell us it’s open-season on blacks.

However, utilizing verifiable data from the Washington Post (as presented by Heather MacDonald in the June 2, 2020, edition of the WSJ), proves that the lives of law-abiding black citizens are clearly not under threat by police. Deaths at the hands of police are a response to criminal and life-threatening behaviors. Out of a population of 330 million people and 375 million annual police contacts with the public, the following deadly outcomes resulted in 2019:

1,004 suspects were killed by police (reacting to a threat of violence).

370 of these deaths were white suspects (All were armed, save 19.)

235 of these deaths were black suspects. (All were armed, save 9.)

The message for all races in America is that police are no threat to you, at all, if you choose to obey the law. Put another way: don’t commit crimes, and don’t threaten police when confronted as a suspect and you will remain eminently safe when in contact with the police. The message to race activists is to stop slandering police, those whose mission is to carry out the true meaning of black lives matter: preserving black lives.

The recent terrible and needless police-caused death of Mr. George Floyd is a tragic and disturbing injustice. It is also an exceedingly uncommon police event. Though unseen on television nightly news, the murders of 7,407 black citizens (not by police) in 2018, with comparable numbers last year and this year, are tragic and unjust, too. These are exceedingly common events, and these people (even small children), because they are not police victims, remain nameless.

Because black lives matter, who will protect future at-risk black citizens? Who?

Not the mendacious race activists!

Alan Winslow is a resident of Seymour.

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